Welcome to Soak City Soft Wash, your premier choice for high-quality exterior cleaning services in Troy, Ohio, and the surrounding Miami Valley area. We are a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to delivering outstanding results, exceptional customer service, and affordable prices.
Our team is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, premium-grade cleaning solutions, and years of experience to provide a wide range of services. Our services include
pressure washing, house washing, roof washing, window cleaning, gutter cleaning and brightening, fence washing, patio and deck washing, and concrete washing.
At Soak City Soft Wash, we understand that your home is your biggest investment. Our house washing service is designed to keep your home looking beautiful and extend the life of your siding. We use a soft wash technique that is safe and effective for all types of siding, including vinyl, stucco, brick, and wood. Our cleaning solution is environmentally friendly and will remove dirt, grime, mold, and mildew without damaging your siding.
Your roof is one of the most critical components of your home. It protects you from the elements and adds to the overall aesthetic of your home. Our roof washing service is designed to remove dirt, grime, algae, and other contaminants that can damage your roof over time. We use a soft wash technique that is safe for all types of roofing materials, including shingles, tile, and metal.
Clean windows can significantly improve the appearance of your home, increase its value, and let in more natural light. Our exterior window cleaning service is designed to remove dirt, grime, and water spots from your windows, leaving them crystal clear. We use a specialized cleaning solution and professional-grade equipment to ensure that your windows are streak-free and spotless.
Clogged gutters can lead to water damage, foundation issues, and other costly repairs. Our gutter cleaning and brightening service is designed to remove debris from your gutters and downspouts, preventing water damage to your home. We also offer a brightening service that removes black streaks and other stains from your gutters, restoring their original color and appearance.
Your fence is one of the first things people see when they visit your home. Our fence washing service is designed to remove dirt, grime, and other contaminants that can make your fence look old and worn out. We use a soft wash technique that is safe for all types of fencing materials, including wood, vinyl, and metal.
Your patio and deck are where you and your family spend time outdoors. Our patio and deck washing service are designed to remove dirt, grime, and other contaminants that can make your outdoor living space look old and worn out. We use a specialized cleaning solution and professional-grade equipment to ensure that your patio and deck look like new.
Your driveway, walkways, and other concrete surfaces are exposed to a lot of dirt, grime, and other contaminants. Our concrete pressure washing service is designed to remove these contaminants, leaving your concrete surfaces looking like new. We use a pressure wash cleaning technique that is safe for all types of concrete surfaces, including stamped, stained, and colored concrete.
At Soak City Soft Wash, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality pressure washing and exterior cleaning services that exceed their expectations. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference for yourself.
Soft washing is a cleaning technique that uses low-pressure water and specialized cleaning solutions to remove dirt, grime, mold, and other contaminants from exterior surfaces. Soft washing is gentle and safe for all types of siding, roofing, and other surfaces, unlike traditional high-pressure washing, which can cause damage.
It depends on several factors, such as the amount of shade around your home, the level of humidity in your area, and the type of siding on your home. Typically, homeowners should have their homes washed every 1-3 years to keep them looking clean and new.
No, our roof washing technique is safe for all types of roofing materials, including shingles, tile, and metal. We use low-pressure water and specialized cleaning solutions to remove dirt, grime, and other contaminants without causing damage.
Power washing uses high-pressure water to blast away dirt and grime from exterior surfaces, while soft washing uses low-pressure water and specialized cleaning solutions to gently remove contaminants. Soft washing is generally safer for all types of surfaces, including delicate siding and roofing materials.
Yes, we use environmentally-friendly cleaning solutions that are safe for your family, pets, and plants. Our cleaning solutions are biodegradable and non-toxic, making them eco-friendly.
It depends on several factors, such as the number of trees around your home, the amount of rainfall in your area, and the age of your gutters. We recommend having your gutters cleaned at least once a year, preferably in the fall after the leaves have fallen.
The time it takes to clean your windows depends on several factors, such as the number of windows, their size, and the level of dirt and grime on them. Typically, we can clean an average-sized home's windows in a few hours.
Yes, we offer a satisfaction guarantee for all of our services. If you are not completely satisfied with the results, we will work with you to make it right.
You can contact us through our website or by phone to schedule an appointment. We will work with you to find a convenient time to visit your home and provide our services.
Soak City Softwash LLC
1453 Michael Dr
Troy, OH 45373-6601
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